Miss Tembisa Foundation Initiatives

About the Foundation

The Miss Tembisa Foundation is a registered NPO that aims to uplift the Tembisa community and surrounding areas. Our main pillars are community development, women empowerment. We focus on mentoring young women, by giving them skills such as financial literacy, entrepreneurship, servant leadership, public speaking and building their confidence. We also focus on physical health through fitness bootcamps we host bi-annually. Furthermore, we do donation drives for clothing, toiletry, non-perishable food items and stationery for the less fortunate. We are mostly self funded and would appreciate funding assistance from different organisations. Lastly, we organise community cleanups for different sections in the community annually. 

One of the other ways in which we do that is through the Miss Tembisa Pageant where contestants are mentored and encouraged to be active citizens of the community. Every year a new queen and her princesses are crowned in the Teen group and older contestants. Miss Tembisa is dedicated to promoting a positive reflection of our local youth and culture. We are seeking sponsorship for the main events and drives that we host annually. These include the following:

Confident and Competent Workshop

This workshop aims to help contestants build their confidence, teaches them how to build their brands, goal-setting, how to contribute positively to the community through pageantry and how to win a pageant competition. This workshop helps empower the contestants and helps them become stronger in character and grit. It helps them see pageants as a way to improve their lives and the lives of others.

Back to School Motivational Drive

Through this drive, the current titleholders and management team (which also comprises mostly former titleholders) go to different schools and organisations to motivate the youth and get them ready to do well during the academic year.

Finalist Sashing Event 

At this event, the finalists will be announced and given their sashes. This event takes place as a high tea/lunch with motivational speakers. It is open to the public and contestants are able to invite their family and friends to come to the event.

Dignity/Stationery/ Winter Drive (#DignityForAll)

Every year the Miss Tembisa team and contestants run the drives, where we collect toiletries, non-perishable food items, clothes and blankets. These are then donated to a home or people in need of those items. The Miss Tembisa Pageant believes in the power of lifting others and understands the challenges that charity homes are facing.

Miss Tembisa Grand Finale

This event takes place at the end of the year. We crown the winners and give them prizes.

    Clean-Up Campaigns

    The Miss Tembisa Pageant understands the need to keep a clean environment. This is not only for residents but for nature as well. A clean environment gives a fresh and good look to our surroundings and it is essential that every environment is kept clean and safe for everyone around it. Miss Tembisa engages in Clean-Up Campaigns with volunteering members of the community to clean parks and other areas.
    The Miss Tembisa Pageant plans on growing this campaign and using its platform to address the challenges that come with not taking care of our environments and the benefits that come with keeping a safe and clean environment for all.